5 Ways To Make Your Bedroom The Perfect Sleep Sanctuary
"As part of the Angie’s List sleep sanctuary contest, lifestyle and design experts Carter Oosterhouse, Jennifer Bertrand and Mandi Gubler created their versions of the perfect bedroom for sleep. The designers used five tips from Arianna Huffington’s book, The Sleep Revolution, to provide their clients with a space conducive to a good night’s sleep."
A 2-Week Sleep Cleanse: Why I Turned My Bed Into a Shrine and You Should, Too
"After raiding my local bodega for some peonies and staging my bedside sleep shrine, I Marie Kondo–ed the clutter (good-bye, agita-inducing parenting books) and unplugged as much as I could: my digital alarm clock, iPad, laptop. My husband drew the line at the flat-screen TV and cable box, so—following Huffington’s advice—I covered the tiny lights with masking tape."