You may have already noticed (especially in Twitter!) an increase in posts about sleep health online, and that's due to this annual awareness event sponsored by the National Sleep Foundation. They have conducted a great many polls on sleep health in America that are worth checking out as they allow people to compare and contrast their sleep habits and problems with their peers in very specific ways. Access these eye-opening polls here. The week concludes on Sunday March 8 with the start of Daylight Saving Time at 2am, in which we all lose a precious our of sleep by setting our clocks forward by one hour. Why no prepare now and sleep a little extra before Sunday rolls in?
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine sponsors its second annual Insomnia Awareness Day. In light of the upcoming switch to Daylight Saving Time, the AASM points out that "as many as 30 to 35 percent of adults suffer from temporary insomnia, which can be caused by a sudden change in schedule, such as the shift to daylight saving time." Fortunately, for some, insomnia is only temporary until the body can reset its own clock. However, chronic insomnia, which impacts up to 10 percent of all adults, never seems to go away and either presents as difficulty in falling asleep or in staying asleep despite opportunities to do so. Learn more about the deadly consequences of untreated insomnia here.
Not long after a week of sleep health awareness, the World Association of Sleep Medicine is observing World Sleep Day with options for learning the history of sleep health as well as more information about specific kinds of sleep health issues through a series of videos provided by some of the world's finest sleep physicians. The WASM offers numerous resources for people suffering from a variety of sleep health problems. You can also visit their website and browse their global map to identify sleep awareness events taking place in your corner of the world.
MAR 16 - 23 || Brain Awareness Week
Remember, sleep and the brain are as important to human health as blood and the heart. Naturally, SHC supports this annual global campaign promoted by the Dana Alliance to help "increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research." They sponsor activities which include open houses at local neuroscience labs; helmet pledges to help raise funds for research into traumatic brain injury; brain exhibitions and lectures; social media campaigns; displays at public places like libraries, community centers and classrooms, even a Brain Bee! Learn more here.