
05 June 2015

News from the curator, literally

Readers of this website will find a few things shifting in terms of content over the next few months. This is due to the fact that the curator is currently writing a book on sleep hygiene and needs to shift priorities in order to keep the manuscript on track for a January 2016 launch. It all takes time and we all get just 24 hours in a day.

The content posting schedule will shift to a frequency of 3-4 times weekly. You will still receive tons of great, up-to-date information, and guest bloggers have signed on to share their expertise, too, but content delivery will just happen less than the 5-6 times weekly that has been the norm these last nine months.

Also, readers have probably already noticed that the newsletter feature with its monthly giveaway has been suspended for the time being, mostly because it was taking a lot of extra work and time away from both the maintenance of the website and the writing of the book.

However, the loss of the newsletter is the website follower's gain! The newsletter's prime value--the news beat, itself!--will be added in a new feature here at SHC every Friday as a review of the week's sleep health news. Also, the quarterly clinical studies opportunities list which was included in the newsletter will also be reported on here at the website as well.

Note also that June, in particular, will be a non-themed month. This is partly due to the shift in behind-the-scenes efforts here.

But June also bring good fortune: the annual national conference on sleep medicine, SLEEP 2015, hosted by the Associated Professional Sleep Societies (the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the American Association of Sleep Technologists, and the Sleep Research Society), takes place the second week of June in the region where SHC is located: Seattle.

You can be sure that SHC will be there with bells on for 12-15 hour days of symposia and networking, but that means a quiet website here during and immediately afterward, so all the latest sleep health information can be gathered and processed for eventual sharing on SHC. We can't wait to report back on new developments in sleep medicine!

July and August will be non-themed months as well, but themes will return in September with a Back to School focus that includes lots of information about the growing Start School Later campaign, as well as all kinds of other sleep-related topics related to kids.

Thanks for reading our content here at SleepyHeadCENTRAL and for supporting our efforts to improve sleep health through consumer education. As always, you can write to us directly with questions, suggestions and concerns.