
14 March 2015

MAILBOX: What's your sleep problem? Maybe SHC can help!

One of the things I have learned is that a lot (the vast majority, maybe?) of people think trouble with sleeping is normal, and just as many people think it's normal to be sleepy during the day. Not true in either case. In fact, some people I know have had a lifetime of bad sleeping patterns, and that means they aren't functional at 100 percent on a daily basis.

The thing is... almost every kind of sleep problem out there is treatable and those who seek help discover renewed energy, better health and potentially a prolonged life just by improving their sleep hygiene. The first step is to ask yourself what your sleep is like and whether your habits might be cheating you out of the energy and vitality you need as a human being to get through your busy life.

If you're not sure, then ask me! I can help. One of the goals of this blog is to help readers determine if they should pursue medical advice with relation to their sleep habits. I'm not an MD, but I can give you all kinds of up-to-date information about different kinds of sleep issues to help you to decide if you need to be more proactive about talking to your doctor.

It's easy! Click on the MAILBOX link in the upper right column of this blog. Please share your questions about sleep there; I'll respond to these publicly on the site (with your permission) and promise to keep your ID confidential. If you want a private response, I may still ask if I can discuss some of the details of your problem at SHC so that others who might have your symptoms or troubles can also be helped.

So write to me! Tell me what's going on. It could be a problem or a question you have about your own habits, or it could be about someone in your life you're concerned about. I'm happy to help and promise to give you the best information I can find on the subject.

Trust me, being a patient myself, there's one thing I can say for certain: when it comes to sleep, just asking the question "do I sleep well?" may very well be the key to pursuing a healthier, more energetic future.