
31 March 2015

GIVEAWAY: Last chance to win a copy of Sleep Soundly Every Night, Feel Fantastic Every Day!

Sleep Soundly Every Night, Feel Fantastic Every Day: A Doctor's Guide to Solving Your Sleep Problems by Dr. Robert S. Rosenberg (DO, FCCP) has been in the SHC library of sleep resources for a while now. It's an approachable, straightforward resource from the medical director of the Sleep Disorders Center of Prescott Valley, AZ and contributing sleep expert at the popular blog. 

Dr. Rosenberg is passionate about sleep as a critical cornerstone process to good lifelong health. He does a terrific job in this book with helping people to identify potential sleep problems, with solutions that include not only clinical options, but clear-cut lifestyle options that can empower you or your loved one to make changes in your sleep habits and hygiene so you can feel more energetic and reduce stress. Many questions from patients have been answered at the end of each chapter, making this a very useful, focused resource.

Subscribers to the monthly FREE newsletter qualify to win this valuable resource. Why not subscribe now?